Sunday 4 October 2009

First weekend home after 2 weeks at uni.

Okay, so I've been living in the house or the Aubergine as it was nicknamed and has still stuck, in the middle of ormskirk town, 20 minutes walk from Edge Hill Uni, for under two weeks now. I guess I've been meaning to write, but I've not had the wanting or the inspiration. I've taken a huge break from really writing after I finished R2 as well, this has not helped, but was something I so needed to do. So now I'm finished in uni for the weekend and I know I'm going to have to do some creative writing work- 6 poems and a 15 minute script are needed for me to pass this first term. I also face a ton of reading, which I knew, but since more books have been added to the lists and I've still not finished MD5 though I promised myself I would, I'm kinda dreading it. But still that's life as a student!
Generally things with the house have been good, though one of the guys is stuck to his girlfriend and there really isn't a time when I don't see him with out her. Not something I'd normally be bothered about and I'm only just a bit jealous of their love, but they are noisy just talking to each other and they are prone to starting an argument over the smallest, simplest of things and then saying it was nothing! She's always around now and she just bugs me with her childish ways-she's like 22/22. Plus she really wants a baby and that annoys me because she's just so child like in her ways- like a 6 year old really! always demanding things and doing nothing of any help, just creating more mess-so how does she expect to rise a child herself? I guess she's just looking at the cute, loving and bonding side of things, not the time, money, energy, creativity, passion and strength it takes to rise a new life in this harsh world. I bet though she'll have a baby and some where in the world there's a great couple who would make the perfect parents and they'll never have a baby. God is strange like that, maybe he's testing us all in his own way....
Moving on to the next house problem! The 2ND girl I'm meant to be living with is currently not here and living with someone else in ormskirk. She's hardly talking to us about anything and its frustrating us all because we really don't know what she's up too. To make matters worse, we can't do anything about it because its all down to her and the landlord! At the minute we strongly believe that she plans to tell us that she doesn't want to move in with us and then we might end up with someone else- who's worse, living with us.....or we might end up with a really great and cute guy! I can dream right????? Still we're waiting with held breath for her word and it feels like we are puppets in a box waiting to jumped into her hands whenever she comes close. I'm rebelling! I'm not being her toy and I'm so not covering up for her when the landlord shows up in a few minutes. I'm gonna tell him that she's not been living with us and she's cut all the commutations off with all of us. Which is the truth.
Anything else to add? Not really, beside from a good weekend at home. I've been busy shopping! and I've had my hair cut too now. I've had fun with my family and I'm not really looking foreward to going back to the house tonight now!

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