Thursday 11 June 2009

Things are drawing to an end

It's nearly the end of my second last week in my hall at uni now. It has gone so fast and I don't want to leave! It feels wrong to do so, but many others have already gone including all but one of the people I can normally be found with. I've been slowly packing up my stuff and it seems I've gathered so much in my large room that it is going to be hard to fit everything back into my small box room at home. But I'm leaving this place with some many memories! Happy, sad, excited, pleased, bored and scared times. I've made so many new friends too, who unlike my friends at other educational places have really seen who I am and just accepted me. I'm happy about this, it feels I've finally found people who like me just the way I am and have no plans to use it against me.
Leaving my first year is hard enough, but I keep thinking about leaving at the end of my third year! At least for the next two years I'll be coming back, but after then I won't and it'll be even harder to let go and move on. I think it'll be hard for all my friends too. It's hard to explain to people unless you've been to a uni which is so great it feels like home, you meet some great people who really get you, you grow and change so much and learn lots about yourself. So unless this has happen to you, it's hard for me to explain things.
Coming to Edge Hill Uni has changed my life for the better! I'm no longer the person people knew at College, high school, primary and at home. I'm more confident, more out going and up for new things, I've learned that drinking can be good in small amounts, living with strange and different people can be very hard, frustrating but rewarding! Friendships can be born over strange things and at strange times and when you're happy; time just slips away from you so much that you wonder where it has all gone to, but you wouldn't go back and change a second of it. Edge Hill might be in the middle of the countryside with only a small town next to it and Liverpool half an hour on the train, but to me it is one of the best places in the world and it always will be.

Mostly everyone in my hall and the second group of Americans. (E.R. 2009)

Some of the best people I'm normally with.

Me and my best friends!

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