Thursday 18 June 2009

Typed from the bean bag chair I'm currently stuck in.

Nothing much to type really as not a lot has been happening around here. More people have been leaving and for me there has been a lack of tearful good byes and hugs. It kind of feels like for the last year I've been on an island with all this new people and now everyone has made little boats, packed their stuff into them and set sail to drift across the Ocean Of Life. Of course I'll try and keep and touch with them all but what has been this year can never be again and there a lot of sadness in that thought for me.
I've been trying to record my thoughts and feels about this and well this sort of poem I wrote on my other blog before seems to just suit how things are around here at the minute.
My hall feels like a desert, all dried up and just full of sand which the wind blows through because it has become bored and lonely. A tumbleweed might roll passed every now and then. The Cataus may flower for a few days, but it is clear that things have slowed down and are slowly ticking over in silence, like a car engine waiting. Some parts of the world feel like they are dying and like the leaves of a plant that are starved of water and so wither away to nothingness. But water and time can replenish them and so though things feel like they are dying because they are coming to an end, there is still more out there. Waiting in the silence, watching from the wings and soon enough life will flourish again and the silence will be broken.
Might make it into a poem later.
Looks like a storm night tonight as well. Wind is picking up and shaking the trees, its dark already and that's strange for 7pm. I'm staying into night anyway, got stuff to read and my novel now nicked named R2D2 because its the second book and the title starts with an R and well the D2 part just happened because one my friends who's helping me with it has this whole thing about star wars.
Right I shall get myself out of the bean bag chair and go and shut the window before the storm hits.

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