Monday 27 September 2010

First day at uni

So I thought before I had my tea I'd post on my blog and get some stuff out of my head. This stuff is not about my 3rd year at uni and my classes, though I've to say my first one-Modernism was good this morning, though they messed up the class rooms big style! But the hot American boys in my class made up for that! This post is about what's going to happen after I graduate.....thing is we had another lecture on this today and though they have been hounding us since we first started uni, it just doesn't get any easier.

My problem is that I was thinking of doing a teaching course, but it seems that its not going to be easy to get on that. Though I'm applying for the further and higher eduction course, it seems I need some experience at teaching and I've no idea where to even begin with that one! I'm left to do it by myself and my head already hurts with just filling in the form. I know I've to do this though and I'm not going to let it stop me. So I'm going to try and speak to my tutor tomorrow about it and see what he says.

I start script writing tomorrow too, that's my worse subject. I can't write in the style they want me too, but I'm going to try harder this year! Bug my tutors, I guess. lol. I'm stressed about stuff right now, though I know I shouldn't be! I just need to chill out, so its off to the pub quiz tonight! Lots of fun and drinking and though people have already pulled out I don't care. I'll go by myself if I've too!

Making my tea now and trying to come up with a group a meeting on Thursday about me applying to be a student guide. Hope I get that and also the LRC post. I've been thinking about doing the uni mag too, but I think that might be too much, shall have to wait and find out. Think I've been boring enough for one day now. Hopefully I'll write something more fun next time and with photos too!

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