Sunday 17 January 2010

Back at uni with a loan laptop

So need to start writing on here more, but once again I've been so busy, this time with getting ready to go back to my student house and getting back into uni life. Also the fact that my laptop has gone for repairs and I've been luck enough to get my hands on a loan laptop from the company has not helped much. I like it because I can still have a laptop to hand when I need to write or check up on the uni notice board, but its a pain because I keep trying to access my files which of course are not on here! Like my music and my photos which is such a big pain when I'm writing my uni blog- which had to have 3 photos as well. I'm desperate to get mine back now and I'm sort of worried about its safety in the huge world! Hopefully they will call tomorrow about it.

So I've spent since Wednesday back at the Aubergine- my student house's nickname- and been unpacking, tidying my room and the house, as well as studying a little. Also I've become slightly cheesed off at my housemate and his girlfriend. I've been trying to patch up the communication break down we had before xmas and this morning I had hi to her and she give me a really dirty look. Last night she asked me to turn my tv down because they could hear it down stairs, which is fair enough, but I pay to live here and she doesn't! Then they were up till early in the morning talking and could just about here every word, but I didn't have the guts to texted her to be quiet.

That is the hardest part of all of this, I just don't have the guts to confront them over it all. But my fear is that I'm going to snap on day and its all coming to come out. It's not just about the talking, its their laziness. The fact they leave their washing up in the small kitchen and sink and just expect everyone else to be able to use it or move it for them. They hardly clean the kitchen tops after they have used them and they just seem to do no work at all whilst I struggle through mine. I know it wasn't going to be easy living with them....students are never the easiest kind of people to live with but I just want a solution and one that's going to stick to fix things up. I'm stuck for ideas and can't wait till the end of spring when I can leave.

Still I start uni again next week and I'm glad all the snow has at last gone! The rain has got rid of most of it and things are safer outside now. Unlike Thursday when everyone was sliding all over the place because of the ice. I'm looking forward to going back and learning more. Just have all the reading to do before hand! I'm off to update my other blog now: and do some more reading!

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