Wednesday 16 March 2011

All In The Name Of Poetry!

Hi! I’m hoping to have some new readers today, because I’ve been giving out my business cards to people about my blog. Today was an applicant visit day for people doing media courses and I’m hoping most of them will now be reading my post!I had a good day helping people and showing off the uni, though it is tiring being on your feet, talking and smiling all day, but I don’t mind. I love being a student guide it’s just get fun and easy money! I like writing my blog too. I’ve had lots of tasks to do throughout the day, though my fav has to be the campus tour, only because I get to chat to lots of people and talk about the different buildings on campus and the useful facilities. I’m working this Saturday too, so no doubt I’ll get to find more people to read my blog.

Of course that and my title have nothing to do with my first photo! It’s of the pie I made last night. I’ve been teaching my housemate how to cook and this pie, plus the pasta bake I made on Sunday, have now been added to his cooking list. The pie was tasty and there’s still lots left. That’s the issue with my cooking-when I make a meal for people, there’s always enough for twice as many people that I’m cooking for! So no one goes hungry for long around me.

So, I guess I should explain my title now. With it being so close to the end of my 3rd and last year at Edge Hill Uni, I’ve many essays on the go right now and one of them is poetry. I’ve my last four poems to submit after Easter, but I’ve been trying to come up with a creative way of displaying my poems. The tutors often encourage this- special with poetry-as its one of those subjects that needs a little more creativity behind it. So over the past 2 years I’ve displayed my poetry in a handmade book, scrapbooks and just normally. This year I wanted to do something different and I’ve had a lot of ideas- orgami and writing with chalk on the street-where just two of the crazy thoughts I had. My housemate and fellow creative writing student has had the best idea though. He wants to take sections of his poem and write them everywhere possible, so these photos below show his first practising;

He’s not a hoodie, by the way! It was raining and he’s writing on our house wall and slates that fell of our roof. He also washed the chalk off once we were done.

Don’t panic about this either! It was ketchup on the bathroom tiles. We washed it off soon after, but the bathroom does still smell a bit ketchupy.

So with him planning that, I decided that I’d like to do something with photographs. So I came up the idea of making a photo collage and placing my poem on top of it. Also because of the poems have to be connected either theme or style, I choice to do emotion and one of the current things that is effecting so many people right now is the earthquake in Japan. So I choice to write a poem about that.

It still need some work but it is only a first draft!

That’s it for this post now, but since I’m working on Saturday and then off to a gig in Liverpool on the Sunday night, I’ll posting another blog soonish.

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